Ethical Policy


The mission of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) is to advance academic activities in electrochemical and associated fields to aid in the building of a healthy and strong foundation of people’s lives and to develop a sustainable society that takes into account global environmental issues. In order to realize the mission of ECSJ, members are expected to actively devote themselves to enhancing the understanding of advanced science and technology and to understand their duty to humankind, the global environment, and society in good faith and sincerity.

Responsibility towards Humankind

Towards a healthier and well-being humankind: ECSJ members should be sound and of good standing, shall consider the effects of one’s academic activities on humanity, and engage in the promotion of a healthy and well-being society.

Responsibility towards the Global Environment

Consideration of the global environment: ECSJ members should give top priority to the prevention of global environmental pollution, deterioration, and destruction, and consider the impact of their academic activities on global commons.
Proposals for global environmental measures: ECSJ members shall actively make proposals for measures concerning global environmental technologies from a professional viewpoint regarding issues related to energy and the like.

Responsibility to Society

Accountability and disclosure: ECSJ Members shall work proactively to explain the significance of the professional academic activities in which they are involved, evaluate the possible impact of such activities on society, and disclose such results with neutrality and objectivity.
Compliance with laws and regulations: ECSJ members shall comply with laws and related regulations when conducting professional academic activities and managing research funds.
Eradication of discrimination: ECSJ members shall not discriminate against individuals based on race, nationality, gender, occupational status, ideology, religion, and so forth during academic activities, including research and development, education, and societal activities. Members should respond fairly based on scientific methods and respect the liberty and personality of individuals.
Consideration for related parties: ECSJ members shall treat all individuals and groups with whom they have a relationship through the activities of the society in a manner based on common sense and shall take care not to cause discomfort.

Responsibility to Public Consideration

Conflicts of interest: The responsibility for ethical behavior and professional conduct interests lies with members. Improper handling of conflicts of interest between individuals and organizations, or between different organizations (ECSJ and affiliated and related organizations) regarding one’s research, peer-reviewing process, evaluation, judgment, and so on, will not be tolerated. The ECSJ takes such policies seriously and responds appropriately in the event of a potential breach of the code and/or relevant policies.
Confidentiality: ECSJ members are responsible for the confidentiality of information obtained through scientific activities but give priority to the public interest when serious impacts on society and humankind are expected.

Declaration of Strict and Sincere Execution of Research and Development

Strict and sincere execution of scientific activities: ECSJ members shall ensure that all scientific activities are documented and handled strictly in the process of planning, propositions, implementation, and reporting of research. Fraudulent acts such as forgery, falsification, or plagiarism are unacceptable.
Respecting research subjects: The identity, personality, human rights, and welfare of those who cooperate in research must be respected, and animals are to be treated with a sincere attitude

Personal Development, Human Resource Development, and Appreciation of Previous Achievements

Personal development: ECSJ members should continuously strive to improve skills and gain knowledge in their respective research fields, be modest regarding their capabilities, and actively seek advice, opinions, and cooperation from experts in the field.
Human resources development: ECSJ members are anticipated to promote next-generation researchers who will be entrusted with future development.
Appreciation of previous achievements: ECSJ members should respect and appreciate the achievements of previous research and researchers that have contributed to the development of electrochemistry and related fields.

Flexible Response and Handling of Penalties

Flexible Response: ECSJ members shall understand the purpose of this code of ethics and respond flexibly to new issues that they face in the process of carrying out the above responsibilities.
Penal regulations: The handling of penalties in the event that a member acts in a manner contrary to the above provisions shall be determined separately.


Approved and enacted by the board of directors on January 17, 2008.
Transitioned to a public interest incorporated association on January 4, 2012.
Revised by the Board of Directors on July 13, 2018.
Translation on April 12, 2021.